Proper storage of a bounce house is essential to ensure its longevity and keep it in good condition for future use. Follow these steps to store your inflatable bounce house correctly:

1. Clean the Bounce House Thoroughly

Before storing the bounce house, make sure it is completely clean. Use mild soap and water to remove dirt, grass, and debris from the surface. Pay special attention to seams and corners where dirt can accumulate. Allow the bounce house to dry completely before moving to the next step to prevent mold and mildew from developing.

2. Deflate the Bounce House Carefully

Once the bounce house is clean and dry, begin deflating it by turning off the blower and opening the deflation zippers or valves. Let the air escape naturally, and gently press down on the inflatable to help remove the remaining air. Avoid jumping or putting excessive pressure on the bounce house to prevent damage.

3. Fold the Bounce House Properly

After the bounce house is fully deflated, start folding it neatly. Begin by folding the sides toward the center, ensuring that the folds are even and flat. Continue folding until the bounce house is compact enough to fit into its storage bag or container. Folding it neatly will help reduce creases and make it easier to store.

4. Store in a Dry, Cool Place

Place the folded bounce house in its storage bag or a suitable container. Store it in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and moisture. Avoid storing the bounce house in areas where it could be exposed to rodents or insects, as they can damage the material.

5. Keep Accessories Together

Store all accessories, such as the blower, stakes, and repair kit, together with the bounce house. Keeping everything in one place will make it easier to set up the bounce house the next time you use it. Ensure that the blower is also stored in a dry location to protect it from moisture and dust.

6. Regularly Inspect the Stored Bounce House

Even when in storage, it’s a good idea to inspect the bounce house periodically. Check for signs of mold, mildew, or damage that might have occurred during storage. If you notice any issues, address them immediately to prevent further damage.


By following these steps—cleaning, deflating, folding, storing in a dry and cool place, keeping accessories together, and regularly inspecting—you can properly store your bounce house and extend its lifespan. Proper storage ensures that your bounce house remains in excellent condition, ready for the next time you need it.